Year 5

Welcome to Year 5                 

The class teacher is Ms Aston.  Mrs Baillie is our Teaching Assistant.  

Year 5 A-Z of Useful Information    


Please let a member of staff know if your child has an allergy, medical condition or specific diet.

Any concerns?

Please feel free to email or arrange a meeting with us.

Be Ready

Check out our Be Ready guidance which outlines the skills and responsibilities expected from our pupils as they enter each new class group.

Fruit bar

Pupils in KS2 receive free fruits at break time (kindly funded by our PTA)

Growth Mindset

At Garsington all pupils, staff and parents are encouraged to have a growth mindset. Check out ideas and guidance on how you can achieve this via the Growth Mindset page.


Homework is set via Google Classroom on a Thursday and should be handed in by the following Tuesday. 

Items required every day

Water bottle 

Waterproof coat

Please name everything.

Lunch Menu

In Year 5 pupils must pay for school dinners via our School Grid app. If you think you are eligible for free school meals please contact the School Office. Dolce are our supplier. 


PE takes place on Tuesday afternoons. PE Kit consists of dark-colored shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a white T-shirt/polo shirt, plimsolls, and trainers. Children should wear their usual Garsington will wear their PE kit all day. They should wear their usual Garsingtonsweatshirt/ cardigan or fleece.


Please read to or with your child for at least 30 minutes every day. Books can be taken home from the class library. Please ensure your child has a book which is challenging enough. 


Your child needs a pair of outdoor shoes, which are suitable for all activities and are comfortable. 


Year 5 pupils will be swimming during Term 5. Pupils will require swimwear, a swimming hat, goggles, and a towel. 

Time Table

Below is our standard timetable. Some lessons may change.

Topic Web

The class teacher will be sharing these termly via Google Classroom.

Water bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.  Squash and other drinks are not allowed.

Y5 Timetable 23-24.docx.pdf