key policies

Please click on the links below to access our key policies:

Safeguarding Policies

Other Policies

GDPR Policies and Record Management Policy

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please see contact details below:

Key links for parents

For Parents - Nintendo Switch Parental Controls


All tech devices come with parental controls, but they're not always easy to find or understand and they can differ quite significantly from device to device. 

The Nintendo Switch, which is a very popular device, has a range of parental controls such as browser access, restricting games based on age, chat settings and more and more. 

Internet Matters have a great guide for parents which can be downloaded and sent out or added to your school website. Click HERE for more information.

For Parents - Talking About Online Harassment and Abuse


Sadly, many children and young people believe that online harassment and abuse are just a part of being online, in other words - normalised. This should never be the case, but it can be difficult to strike up a conversation. Internet Matters have a really good guide for parents which they can use for conversation starters.

You can download the guide HERE.


For Parents - Managing Screen Time


With half-term almost upon us, some parents will be looking for guidance about helping their children to develop a healthy relationship with technology.

Internet Matters has a series of tips and guides to help with this including setting up parental controls, finding other activities to do, agreeing on boundaries and more. You can view the guidance HERE.

Online safety guidance - Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) provides up-to-date information and a way to report concerns. - Internet matters provides age-specific advice on keeping children safe online, 4 different guides for children aged 0-5, 5-10, 11-13, and 14+. - ThinkUKnow is an excellent resource, regularly updated and available in a range of age-appropriate levels to support all young people, parents, and professionals. 

Talk PANTS is here to help children understand that they have a right to say no and if they need to speak out about something, someone will listen-