Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

The class teachers are Mr Cullen (Monday-Thursday) and Mrs Wells (Friday).  Mrs Ormsby and Mrs Hutton are the teaching assistants.

Year 3 A-Z of Useful Information


Please let a member of staff know if your child has an allergy, medical condition or specific diet.

Be Ready

Check out our Be Ready guidance which outlines the skills and responsibilities expected from our pupils as they enter each new class group.

Fruit bar

Pupils in Year 3 and above can buy fruit from the school kitchen at break time - 30p an item. 


Homework is set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Some maths homework will be set and completed online. We will give you a Maths Whizz login and password when we first set this homework.

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 2  consists of Years 2 - Year 6. 

Items required everyday

Indoor & outdoor shoes 

Water bottle 

Reading record bag (reading books, reading record, times table chart). 

Please name everything.

Learning Detectives

Two pupils from each year group in Key Stage 2 are chosen as Learning Detectives for the term, coming together weekly as a group with the Headteacher to discuss and help with class and schoolwide learning challenges. 

Topic Webs 2023/24

Y3 - Term 1 

Year 3 A-Z continued

Lunch Menu

In Year 3 pupils must pay for school dinners which cost £2.30 per day (if you think you are eligible for free school meals please contact the School Office). Caterlink are our suppliers. Check out their current menu.


Takes place on Wednesdays and Fridays. PE Kit consists of dark coloured shorts, white T-shirt / polo-shirt, plimsolls and trainers. Please ensure your child's PE kit is on their peg.

Pierced ears – ideally children will come to school without earrings on PE days but if this is not possible as they are recently pierced, please provide micropore tape to put over the studs.


Please read to or with your child for at least 10 minutes every day. Books can be taken home from the class library. Please ensure your child has a book which is challenging enough. 

Time Table

Below is our standard timetable for this term. Some lessons may change.

Topic Web

For further details of all the curriculum subjects we will be studying this term please see the topic web above. If you have any resources that may be useful to us for this term please bring them in.


Pupils have their ukulele lessons on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child has their instrument in school. 

Water bottles

Please could children have a named water bottle in school, these can be kept in the trays provided in the shared area.