Wrap Around Care

Wrap Around Care

If you need to contact staff providing Wrap Around Care (Mon-Fri) please call:

7.45am-8.45am  07340 851229

8.45am-3pm       01865 361263

3pm-5.30pm       07340 851229

For general enquiries please email office@garsingtonprimary.org

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am until class registration at 8.45am everyday during term time. Breakfast is provided (toast, cereal, fruit juice) and then attendees can either engage in a variety of craft or games activities indoors or play outside during the nicer weather. The club is staffed by Mrs Baillie (our After School Lead) and  Mr Willbery, all of whom know the children very well. 

The price for each session is £5 per child.  You will need to book your sessions via your MCAS account.

After School Club

After School Club offers two sessions:

3pm-4:15pm - £5

3pm-5:30pm- £10

To book a place for your child, you will need to go on to your MCAS Account. This is a pay-as-you-go system. If you decide to pay using Childcare vouchers, you will need to transfer the money to our school account. Once done, please send an email to Marion Piacenza, our SBM at sbm@garsingtonprimary.org and let her know how you want your money to be allocated (for example: if you transfer £100 and want to allocate £50 for After School Club and £50 for breakfast Club). Once allocated to your account, you will be able to book your sessions as pay-as-you-go.

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Cooking Club- Mrs Ormsby is running a cooking club every Tuesday. If you wish to find out more or to book a place for your child, please email nikkicookingclub@gmail.com

Irock - Music Lessons- We have a private company called Irock that delivers sessions every Thursday afternoons. Lessons are organised via a private arrangement between Irock and families who wish their child(ren) to take part. The children deliver a concert to the whole school every term to celebrate what the pupils learned.