Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

The class teachers are Miss Rizza (Monday – Thursday) and Mrs McGregor (Friday). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Hales (Monday-Friday) and Miss Turner (split year 1 and year 2)

Year 1 A-Z of Useful Information 


Please let a member of staff know if your child has an allergy, medical condition or specific diet.

Be Ready

Check out our Be Ready guidance which outlines the skills and responsibilities expected from our pupils as they enter each new class group.

Change of clothes

It is useful for all Year 1 children to have a spare change of clothes kept in a carrier bag on their peg.

Daily Routine

Y1 doors open at 8:40. Please say goodbye to your child at the door as they will come in and put their lunch, water bottle and book bag away independently.

The door will be locked at 8:50 when the children will come to the carpet for the register. If your child is on the Bus or attends Breakfast Club, the teacher or TA will make sure they have put their things away and settled to their activity. There are 5 early morning groups with a rotation of activities.

Pick up time in Year 1 is 3:00pm. An adult will take them to the bus or ASC at 3pm.

Growth Mindset

At Garsington all pupils, staff and parents are encouraged to have a growth mindset. Check out ideas and guidance on how you can achieve this via the Growth Mindset page.


This is given out via email on Thursday and needs to be returned the following Wednesday.

Please encourage your child to read regularly and often, read to them every day, practise counting and maths activities and talk about what they are learning. Completing homework is a really good habit to get into.

Items required everyday

Junk Modelling

Junk modelling is always popular and we welcome materials with which to do this. Please could you ensure that you do not bring in boxes or containers that may have been in contact with eggs or nuts (including sesame). Please do not send in milk containers or plastic meat trays.

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 consists of Year 1 and Year 2. 

At the end of each Key Stage, children are formally assessed in reading, writing (inc. spelling and grammar), Maths and Science.

Assessments are based on the teacher’s knowledge of the children and supported by KS1 tests.

Topic Webs 2023/24

Year 1- Term 1

Year 1 - Term 2

Year 1 - Term 3

Year 1 - Term 4

Year 1 - Term 5

Year 1 - Term 6

Year 1 A-Z continued

Lost Property

We will have a lost property box in Year 1 for school jumpers, cardigans and, fleeces that are found in the Year 1 or shared area. 

This box will be kept in the cloakroom.

Lunch Menu

Year 1 pupils get free hot dinners at school everyday. Dolce is our current school supplier. You will have access to the School Grid app to book their dinners.

Outdoor Learning

Sadly, we don’t have a lovely garden but will try and get outside when we can. Please can children have a pair of named wellies in school to keep in the cloakroom and they should always bring a coat with them. We don’t want slightly damp weather to stop outdoor experiences. 


P.E. will take place on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

Children need to come to school in correct PE kit: White t-shirt, black or blue bottoms, i.e joggers or leggings and trainers on their feet. They still must wear their school jumper, cardigan or fleece. Pierced ears – ideally children will come to school without earrings on PE days but if this is not possible as they are recently pierced, please provide micropore tape to put over the studs.


This is taught through Read, Write Inc in the morning with children split into ability groups across Year 1 and 2. A cross-curricular approach to writing will take place through topic work. 


Staff change books with children. This will usually be on the day when their early morning activity is reading. 

Please record in the reading record book when your child has read with you. We will move children up only when we feel they are really secure with the colour band they are on. 

Please bring book bags every day.


Follow this link for Term 5's timetable

Topic Web

For further details of all the curriculum subjects we will be studying this term, please see the relevant topic web above. If you have any resources that may be useful to us for this term please bring them in.

Water bottles

Please could children have a named water bottle in school, these can be kept in the trays provided in the shared area.