School Residentials

At Garsington CE Primary School pupils have the opportunity to go on residential adventures in Years 4 and 6.

Youlbury Scout Activity Centre, Oxfordshire

In Year 4 pupils are invited to attend a 2 day (1 night) residential at Youlbury Scout Activity Centre in Oxfordshire in May.

For more information please attend the Y4 Youlbury Trip Parents Meeting held before the residential (date of meeting tbc).

Set in 42 acres of woodland in rural Oxfordshire, Youlbury Scout Activity Centre offers a huge range of outdoor activities led by specialist instructors.

Staff at Youlbury believe that great school residentials give pupils the opportunity to learn tangible skills, work collaboratively, develop responsibility and break down barriers with teaching staff - they call this method ‘Adventure’. For over 100 years the Scout Association has been using adventure as a tool to develop young people.

The cost of this trip includes: accommodation (in the Bear's Den Lodge); dinner, breakfast and lunch; transport to and from the centre; insurance; and several fantastic activities such as: abseiling, crate stacking, 3G swing, archery and wide games.

Yenworthy Lodge, North Devon

In Year 6 pupils attend a 5 day (4 night) residential at Yenworthy Lodge in North Devon, usually in term 1 just before the October half term.

Yenworthy Lodge, an outdoor activities centre supported by Oxfordshire County Council, is set in six acres of beech and oak woodland within the Exmoor National Park. It is within walking distance of beautiful open moorland, ancient woods, wild rivers and rocky shores.

The children spend a week learning new skills, with the highly qualified team, such as building beach huts, canoeing, and orienteering. The aim of the residential is simple, to help pupils explore and improve their physical, intellectual and social skills (and have lots of fun doing lots of outdoor stuff). We know children develop most when they are 'learning by doing’, when they are given responsibility, work in teams, can take acceptable risks and think for themselves. We hope this will be a trip the children remember for many years to come.

They also learn problem-solving skills, working in groups and looking after their own space. This is a trip that children remember and talk about for many years to come.

The total cost for the whole week (including the deposit) includes board and lodging, transport to and from the Lodge (and during the week to various places) and insurance.